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WPCA Minutes 01/17/2017
WPCA Regular Meeting Minutes
January 17th, 2017

Present: Regular Members- Chairman Richard Prendergast, Treasurer Douglas Wilkinson, Dimitri Tolchinski, Sal Cancelliere, Robert McCarthy, Frank Chan, Joe Carpentino and Steve Cinami. Vice-Chair Donna Bednar arrived at approximately 7:35. Steve Cinami was appointed a full voting member. Approximately 3 members of the public were present.

Approval of the Minutes – November 9th 2016: Mr. Wilkinson made a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Prendergast asked if any discussion or clarification was needed on the November minutes. No member voiced concerned, so Mr. Chan seconded the motion. All members voted to approve the minutes except Mr. Cinami who abstained.

Chairman’s Report
Discussions with Wood & Curran and status of Coastal Waste Water Plans- The Coastal Waste Water plan has been submitted to DEEP for review. It could be a lengthy process for DEEP to review and approve the plan. The WPCA must pull out key parts of the plan to make the plan clear to the public. Educating the public about the plan is an important priority of the WPCA.
Update on test well evaluation for eventual ground water testing submittal to the DEEP- In putting together our scope of work, we were extremely conservative to keep prices low for the taxpayers. The state does, however, want our town to add an evaluation well on route 156. The state says that this is required. The scope of work cost will be increased slightly, and the total cost of the scope of work is now $14,878.90. Mr. Cancelliere asked if it would be possible to fight the DEEP on this mandate. However, it appears that we must accept the DEEP requirement.
Reappointment updates: All members of the board were successfully reappointed to members of our fine committee.

Budget Update:
Mr. Wilkinson spoke of last year’s budget and the upcoming budget for next year. Last year, the WPCA had a budget of $117,300 this year our budget is 114,005. The WPCA is committed to fiscal responsibility as evidenced by our budget..
No New Correspondence

Old Business:
Sal Cancelliere made a motion to untable correspondence from the November meeting.  Joe Carpentino seconded the motion. The letter was briefly re-read:

Dear sir,
As a special case we request that the period between septic tank pumpouts be extended for the present two occupants for the following reasons:
  • The home is occupied by two 75-year old seniors who produce less waste water than one average adult.
  • The present system (that was required by the town) is on 2.8 acres and is built for a family (three bedrooms) and is large enough for a small motel.
  • Tank pumping backwash will introduce material into my tank groundwater from previous pumpouts. This material could be pathogens, insecticides, pesticides, and heavy metals.
  • We live on a low income. This would add to the already large property tax burden
  • Your records should show the very low amount of sludge taken from the last pumpout.
Sincerely yours,
Fay and David Kumkowski

Joe Carpentino stated that he questions the information about pump-outs, but wants to be compassionate towards the family. Dimitri Tolchinski made a motion to grant the family a 1-year extension. Ms. Bednar seconded the motion. 4 members of the committee voted in favor and 5 members of the committee voted to oppose the motion. The motion did not pass. Then Mr. Wilkinson made a motion to deny the extension. Mr. Cancelliere seconded the motion. The motion to deny the family an extension was passed in a 6-2 vote. The majority reasoned that a 7-year pump-out schedule is already very liberal, and disagreed about the danger of pathogens being released through the pump-out.

New Business:
Next meeting dates motion- Typically 2nd Tuesday of the month with optional meetings in August and December: the new meeting dates were presented to the committee.   
Elections of new officers: Mr. Wilkinson made a motion to nominate Mr. Prendergast as chairman of the WPCA. Mr. Chan seconded the motion. The members voted enthusiastically and unanimously to reappoint the deserving Mr. Prendergast.  
Mr. Carpentino made a motion to nominate Ms. Bednar as vice-chair. Mr. Wilkinson seconded the motion. The members again were enthusiastic as they unanimously re-appointed Ms. Bednar as vice-chair.
Mr. Prendergast made a motion to appoint Mr. Wilkinson as Treasurer. Ms. Bednar enthusiastically seconded the motion. All members were in high spirits as they re-appointed Mr. Wilkinson.
There was a continued discussion on EDUs. Members of the board stressed the importance of adopting a fair and consistent measurement so no person or group is charged too much or too little.
Public Comment:
Sandy Garvin from Hawk’s Nest asked about the scope of work and the cost of the data-collecting well on route 156.
Mr. Prendergast answered her questions by clarifying that the well costs about $2,200 not $14,000. Also DEEP must approve the plans we submit.

Mr. Wilkinson made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. Chan.

Submitted by Jacob Olson